The Deer Page

A few weeks ago my friend, Keith, killed his first deer in Connecticut, and hopefully not his only one for this season.  I helped him cut it up and he gave me some of the other parts as you will see below.


                                                                              First you kill and gut the deer............




And load him on the car....





Then you hang him up and pose in front of him.

After that, you let him cure for a few days.

















Then you invite a friend over to show him off and help you cut him up for the freezer.........



        Of course, he might be a little weird and think he is cute and cuddly hanging there.




Did I say weird?  This guy is getting a little too carried away. This is bizzaaaar.......



How did the cute little spike horn get all droopy? 









Ohh, I see, he dropped his dentures.........










This is so weird the dog doesn't even want to watch.....  















Well, now I want to tan the hide.  Before we can do that, we have to de-flesh the hide.  According to this site we can use the brains for the process.




I know, Lobo, this looks like it tastes good, but this is for the hide.  Maybe if you are a good boy, I'll give you some of the gristle and liver. 




Now back to de-fleshing the hide.  Here are some pictures. 




Let me tell you, this hide sitting on my lap is quite warm.  I can't wait to see how it comes out. 


















Hey look, I can make him talk!!










No just kidding, deer can't talk........










Well in the end this is what it looks like. 










And you get a big bowl of doggie treats for Lobo...




Well, that is as far as I got.  I put the rest in the freezer for another day.  Will keep you updated on what comes next..........




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